Our Beginnings…

The History of the retreat center began with Jim and Ruth Ann Wade who were both educators in the Bloomington public school system. They gave up their home, their farm, and the future they had planned, dedicating the land to the Lord Jesus in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was Ruth Ann Wade who felt very strongly inspired to begin this retreat center in  1993.

. . . When the Messages began, Ruth Ann shared them first with her priest and then with her prayer groups. Eventually both the Intercessory Prayer Group and the Medjugorje Prayer Group began to meet in the basement of the Wades’ family home, and at the request of our Lord Jesus, their home and farm were blessed by their priest.

As the groups became larger and more pilgrims came to visit the Farm and to hear the Messages and Ruth Ann’s testimony, they would gather together outside, rain or shine, bringing lawn chairs and blankets. A life-size statue of the Blessed Virgin was given to Ruth Ann and became a focal point for the visitors.

The first building added to the Farm was a simple pole barn back in 1993. It provided some protection in inclement weather for the visitors who gathered for prayer. Although it provided some protection from the elements, it had a gravel floor, no heat, and was very cold in the winter.

An altar was provided for the pole barn, and the first Mass was celebrated in October 1993. In 1995, weekly Masses were celebrated every Saturday. Restroom facilities were added, as well as ample parking for the growing number of people coming to the Farm.

In 1993, the Stations of the Cross were erected, going along a path at the edge of the Farm, up to near the top of the hill. In addition, adjoining properties were bought by Mary’s Children at the request of the Blessed Mother to insure peace of the Farm as events continued to develop. In obedience to the directions Ruth Ann was being given in the messages, she and Jim moved out of their home and into a house on one of the newly acquired properties, leaving behind all but their personal possessions.

In 1995, plans for the Chapel that Our Lady had first spoken of back in 1993 began to take shape, with an architect’s plans and a building comm

ittee. The Chapel was to be built at the top of the hill. It was dedicated on October 18, 1997. That same year, as the Chapel neared completion, Ruth Ann was told through the Messages that it was time to upgrade the Pole Barn. After a complete renovation, the Pole Barn became the new Retreat Center.

In May, 1999, a retired priest moved to the Farm, living in the Wades’ former home. That same year, in October, the Farm was given permission to reserve the Blessed Sacrament at a room in the Retreat Center for Adoration.

In October, 2000, fulfilling Our Lady’s request for a place where pilgrims could rest their weary heads, the large two-story Guesthouse was completed and dedicated.

In May, 2001, the Rosary Path was dedicated, and the Stations of the Cross pathway paved and improved. A month later, at the request of the Blessed Mother, retreats dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus began to take place on the first weekend of the month. On October 6, the new Bookstore was dedicated.

There were also changes for Jim and Ruth Ann, who moved from the house next door, away from the Farm, to make that home also available for priests.

On May 4, 2002, the new Dining Hall/Kitchen was dedicated and an infirmary was added to the Retreat Center.

In 2003, the Dining Hall Annex was completed, which served as an overflow dining area and the location for the children’s retreats.

Over the next several years, construction continued at the Farm with an addition to the Chapel that contains seven confessional rooms.  A new, larger Friary was constructed behind the chapel, where the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate now reside.  In addition, a new conference hall was added, with the old Retreat Center being renovated once again to now serve as the new bookstore and annex.  The rosary path and stations of the cross were completely redone, with concrete paths, and new monuments.  A path of the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady was added at the top of the hill, next to David Drive.

Construction projects continue with a memorial for unborn children being added near the top of the hill.

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