Retreats And Days Of Reflection


812-825-4642  EX-1




sept 20th – 22nd, 2024

“Rosary Given to Dominic, spain and the world”

   By Fr. Reginald Wolford O.P.      Sept 20th – 22nd      Friday 5pm – Sunday 10am

   During this retreat Fr. Reginald will share with us why heaven decided to give the Rosary first to St. Dominic, to Spain and then to the world. This mysterious form of praying the Gospel came to us through the founder of the Order of Preachers, from the little town of Caleruega in Spain. When was it given, why and how? Find out more on this exciting retreat! 

Sign up now! by calling: 812-825-4642 extension #1


Oct 5th 2024


… Only from 9:45am to 4:30pm! 

 Lead  By  Fr. Simon Felix Michalski, O.P.     Saturday   October 5th   2024

 During this Marian Day of devotion Fr. Simon will lead us in procession & Prayer & Talks in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary on this month dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary,  come and join us on this beautiful day! 

Sign up now! by calling: 812-825-4642 extension #1

Oct 18th – 20th 2024

“The Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola”

 Lead  By  Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, F.I.    Oct 18th – 20th   –   Friday 5pm – Sunday 10am

During this retreat Fr. Ignatius guides the individuals through “The Spiritual Exercises”  which are a compilation of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed by St. Ignatius Loyola to help people deepen their relationship with God. 

Sign up now! by calling: 812-825-4642 extension #1

nov 15th – 17th 2024

“Christ Centered Counsel for Everyday Difficulties”

By Fr. Terrance M. Chartier  F.I. –  Nov 15th – 17th   –   Friday 5pm – Sunday 10am

 During this retreat Fr. Terrance delves into common struggles that many of us face in our lives, including wrestling with unforgiveness, anger, having a critical spirit, perfectionism, & coming from dysfunctional families.  He looks at the dynamics that are involved spiritually, emotionally, & psychologically in each of these areas & then explores ways to find healing through the grace & power of Jesus Christ.  

Sign up now! by calling: 812-825-4642 extension #1

Dec 7th 2024

“advent Day of Reflection”

… Only from 9am to 12:00 noon! 

 Lead  By  Fr. Matthias sasko, F.I..     Saturday   december 7th   2024

 During this advent day of reflection Fr. Matthias will give us two Talks and lead us prayer so as to help us implement the gospel message in our lives as we prepare for the most wonderful time of the year: The Birth of Jesus!,  come and join us on this beautiful day! 

Sign up now! by calling: 812-825-4642 extension #1

Jan 17th – 19th 2025

“Silence, Solitude & The Presence of God”

Lead  By Friar Gabriel M. Cortes F.I.  – Jan 17th -19th 2025 – Friday 5pm – Sunday 10am

During this retreat Friar Gabriel will walk the retreatants through the three practices that make for a healthy & robust prayer life. He will take a look at what it means to spend time in silence with the very One who loved us into existence and in whose Presence we live and move and have our being.

Sign up now! by calling: 812-825-4642 extension #1

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